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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Size of Cos-7 (monkey kidney tissue) cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 15 (Table - link) μm 108916 EMD Millipore: Intro...
Size of MDCK (Madin Darby canine kidney) cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 13 to 15 Table - link μm 108927 EMD Millipore: Intro...
Volume of Nuclei in ovary tissue Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) 188 µm^3 101400 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Doubling time of iBMK cells Mammalian tissue culture cell Table - link doubling time/hour 110686 Fan J, Kamphorst JJ, Mathew R...
Diameter of COS-7 (African monkey kidney) cell Mammalian tissue culture cell 17 μm 108891 http://www.invitroge...
DNA replication speed for one fork Chinese hamster 0.8 (±0.5) µm/min 104131 Yurov YB, Liapunova NA....
Kidney filtration cutoff Human Homo sapiens 45 kda 102317 Anderson NL, Anderson...
Transcription rate in kidney cell Rat Rattus norvegicus 1.1 - 1.4 kbp/min 111157 Jackson DA, Pombo A,...
Doubling time in a new-born (human) baby Bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca 19.7 hours 115548 Gibson B, Wilson DJ, Feil E...
Metabolite concentrations in iBMK cells Mammalian tissue culture cell Table - link nmole/μl cells 110688 Fan J, Kamphorst JJ, Mathew R...
Spread surface area of CCL39 hamster fibroblast Mammalian tissue culture cell 1900 µm^2 105877 Boulter E, Grall D, Cagnol S...
Volume of nuclei in kidney tissue African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 294 µm^3 101409 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Half life of selenoprotein P Rat Rattus norvegicus 4 hours 102618 Hill KE, Lloyd RS, Yang JG...
The effective proton conductance (CmH+) of mitochondria from rat liver and hamster brown adipose tissue Mammals Table - link N/A 107098 Nicholls DG. Brown adipose...
Energy required to synthesize 1g dry weight of cells Mouse LS cells 0.024 mole ATP/gDW 106070 Kilburn DG, Lilly MD...
Number of replication origins active at each cell cycle Chinese hamster 30,000 - 50,000 replication origins/cell cycle 111771 Méchali M. Eukaryotic...
Amount by which absolute glucose uptake rate, normalized to cell volume, is lower in mammalian iBMK cells compared to E. coli or yeast cells Various ~30 fold lower 112683 Park JO et al., Metabolite...
Half life of ubiquitin Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) 9 Hours 106196 Carlson N, Rechsteiner...
Number of nuclear pores in kidney tissue nuclei African clawed frog Xenopus laevis 3417 pores/nucleus 101383 Maul GG, Deaven L. Q...
Interspecies comparison of diameter and volume of alveolar macrophage cell in rat, hamster, monkey and human Mammals Table - link N/A 116142 Krombach F, Münzing S...